Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fantasy Landscape Artworks by Karezoid Karcz

Fantasy Landscape Artworks by Karezoid Karcz
PauloGabriel Fri, 05/10/2013 - 14:40
Fantasy enthusiasts really love the idea of exploring new worlds. It might be right here on Earth, a land where no man has been to yet... or it might be in another galaxy, something like the landscapes from Prometheus.
Worlds like that can be easily reached through the work of Polish artist Karezoid Michal Karcz. He's got a really creative mind when it comes to imagining other worlds, and his methods are amazing. Some of these you might even think that actually exist! For more of Karezoid's artworks, please visit his portfolio at 500px. He'll definitely appreciate it! Cheers. ;)
About the author
I'm Paulo Gabriel, a Publicist by degree and Designer by passion with a taste for the meaningful and emotional. I work at Printi as a Designer and Front-End Developer. Here at Abduzeedo, I always try to bring you only amazing content, things that mean something for me and for those around me.

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